Class vb


public class vb
extends java.lang.Object

This class implements VBScript Functions.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static short Abs(boolean number)
          Returns the absolute value of a boolean number.
static double Abs(double number)
          Returns the absolute value of a double number.
static int Abs(int number)
          Returns the absolute value of an integer number.
static double Abs(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the absolute value of a string.
static variant Abs(variant number)
          Returns the absolute value of a variant.
static vbcurrency Abs(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the absolute value of a vbcurrency.
static vbdate Abs(vbdate number)
          Returns the absolute value of a vbdate.
static variant Array()
          Returns a Variant containing an array.
static variant Array(pVector vv)
          Returns a Variant containing an array.
static short Asc(boolean string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a boolean string.
static short Asc(double string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
static short Asc(float string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
static short Asc(int string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
static short Asc(long string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
static short Asc(java.lang.String string)
          Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a string.
static short AscB(boolean string)
          Do not support AscB Function.
static short AscB(double string)
          Do not support AscB Function.
static short AscB(java.lang.String string)
          Do not support AscB Function.
static short AscW(boolean string)
          Do not support AscW Function.
static short AscW(double string)
          Do not support AscW Function.
static short AscW(java.lang.String string)
          Do not support AscW Function.
static double Atn(boolean number)
          Returns the arctangent of a boolean value.
static double Atn(double number)
          Returns the arctangent of a number.
static double Atn(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the arctangent of a numeric string.
static boolean CBool(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static boolean CBool(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static boolean CBool(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static boolean CBool(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static boolean CBool(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static boolean CBool(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
static short CByte(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static short CByte(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static short CByte(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static short CByte(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static short CByte(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static short CByte(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
static vbcurrency CCur(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbcurrency CCur(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbcurrency CCur(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbcurrency CCur(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbcurrency CCur(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbcurrency CCur(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
static vbdate CDate(boolean date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static vbdate CDate(double date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static vbdate CDate(java.lang.String date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static vbdate CDate(variant date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static vbdate CDate(vbcurrency date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static vbdate CDate(vbdate date)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
static double CDbl(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(java.lang.Object expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static double CDbl(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
static java.lang.String Chr(boolean charcode)
          Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
static java.lang.String Chr(double charcode)
          Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
static java.lang.String Chr(java.lang.String charcode)
          Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
static short CInt(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static short CInt(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static short CInt(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static short CInt(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static short CInt(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static short CInt(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
static int CLng(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static int CLng(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static int CLng(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static int CLng(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static int CLng(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static int CLng(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
static double Cos(boolean number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static double Cos(double number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static double Cos(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static double Cos(variant number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static double Cos(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static double Cos(vbdate number)
          Returns the cosine of an angle.
static float CSng(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static float CSng(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static float CSng(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static float CSng(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static float CSng(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static float CSng(vbdate expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
static java.lang.String CStr(boolean expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(double expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(int expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(long expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(short expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(variant expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static java.lang.String CStr(vbdate da)
          Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
static vbdate Date()
          Returns the current system date.
static vbdate DateAdd(java.lang.String interval, double number, vbdate date)
          Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date1, vbdate date2)
          Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date1, vbdate date2, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date1, vbdate date2, double firstdayofweek, double firstweekofyear)
          Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date)
          Returns the specified part of a given date.
static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns the specified part of a given date.
static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval, vbdate date, double firstdayofweek, double firstweekofyear)
          Returns the specified part of a given date.
static vbdate DateSerial(double year, double month, double day)
          Returns a vbdate for a specified year, month, and day.
static vbdate DateValue(double date)
          Returns a vbdate.
static vbdate DateValue(java.lang.String date)
          Returns a vbdate.
static vbdate DateValue(variant date)
          Returns a vbdate.
static vbdate DateValue(vbdate date)
          Returns a vbdate.
static int Day(double date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.
static int Day(java.lang.String date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.
static int Day(variant date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.
static int Day(vbdate date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.
static java.lang.String Escape(java.lang.String str)
          Returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of charstring.
static java.lang.String Eval(java.lang.String str)
          Evaluates an expression and returns the result.
static double Exp(boolean number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static double Exp(double number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static double Exp(java.lang.String number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static double Exp(variant number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static double Exp(vbcurrency number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static double Exp(vbdate number)
          Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings, java.lang.String value)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings, java.lang.String value, boolean include)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings, java.lang.String value, boolean include, double compare)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings, java.lang.String value)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings, java.lang.String value, boolean include)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings, java.lang.String value, boolean include, double compare)
          Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
static int Fix(boolean number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Fix(double number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Fix(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Fix(variant number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Fix(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Fix(vbdate number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers, double GroupDigits)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(variant expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(double date)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(double date, double NamedFormat)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(java.lang.String date)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(java.lang.String date, double NamedFormat)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(variant date)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(variant date, double NamedFormat)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(vbdate date)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(vbdate date, double NamedFormat)
          Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers, double GroupDigits)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatNumber(variant expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a number.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression, double NumDigitsAfterDecimal, double IncludeLeadingDigit, double UseParensForNegativeNumbers, double GroupDigits)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static java.lang.String FormatPercent(variant expression)
          Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
static int GetLocale()
          Returns the current locale ID value.
static java.lang.String Hex(boolean number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(double number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(int number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(java.lang.String number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(variant number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(vbcurrency number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Hex(vbdate number)
          Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
static int Hour(double time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.
static int Hour(java.lang.String time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.
static int Hour(variant time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.
static int Hour(vbdate time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.
static int InStr(double start, java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
          Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
static int InStr(double start, java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, double compare)
          Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
static int InStr(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
          Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
          Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, double start)
          Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, double start, double compare)
          Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
static short Int(boolean number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static double Int(double number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static float Int(float number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static int Int(int number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static long Int(long number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static short Int(short number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static double Int(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static variant Int(variant number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static vbcurrency Int(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static vbdate Int(vbdate vd)
          Returns the integer portion of a number.
static boolean IsArray(variant obj)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.
static boolean IsArray(vbarray obj)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.
static boolean IsDate(double d)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.
static boolean IsDate(java.lang.String d)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.
static boolean IsDate(variant d)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.
static boolean IsDate(vbdate d)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.
static boolean IsEmpty(boolean d)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
static boolean IsEmpty(double d)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
static boolean IsEmpty(java.lang.String d)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
static boolean IsEmpty(variant d)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
static boolean IsEmpty(vbdate d)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.
static boolean IsNull(double expression)
          Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).
static boolean IsNull(java.lang.Object expression)
          Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).
static boolean IsNull(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).
static boolean IsNull(variant expression)
          Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).
static boolean IsNull(vbdate expression)
          Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).
static boolean IsNumeric(double expression)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.
static boolean IsNumeric(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.
static boolean IsNumeric(variant expression)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.
static boolean IsNumeric(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.
static boolean IsNumeric(vbdate expression)
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.
static boolean IsObject(boolean b)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static boolean IsObject(double obj)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static boolean IsObject(java.lang.Object b)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static boolean IsObject(java.lang.String obj)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static boolean IsObject(variant obj)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static boolean IsObject(vbdate b)
          Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.
static java.lang.String Join(variant a)
          Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
static java.lang.String Join(variant a, java.lang.String b)
          Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
static java.lang.String Join(vbarray a)
          Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
static java.lang.String Join(vbarray a, java.lang.String b)
          Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
static int LBound(java.lang.Object arrayname, double dimension)
          Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int LBound(variant arrayname)
          Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int LBound(variant arrayname, double dimension)
          Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int LBound(vbarray arrayname)
          Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int LBound(vbarray arrayname, double dimension)
          Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static java.lang.String LCase(boolean string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String LCase(double string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String LCase(java.lang.String string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String LCase(variant string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String LCase(vbcurrency string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String LCase(vbdate string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
static java.lang.String Left(java.lang.String string, double length)
          Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
static int Len(boolean st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(double st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(int st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(long string)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(java.lang.String string)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(variant st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(vbcurrency st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static int Len(vbdate st)
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
static double Log(boolean number)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
static double Log(double number)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
static double Log(java.lang.String number)
static double Log(variant number)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
static double Log(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
static double Log(vbdate number)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
static java.lang.String LTrim(boolean string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String LTrim(double string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String LTrim(java.lang.String string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String LTrim(variant string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String LTrim(vbcurrency string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String LTrim(vbdate string)
          Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
static java.lang.String Mid(java.lang.String string, double start)
          Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
static java.lang.String Mid(java.lang.String string, double start, double length)
          Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
static int Minute(double time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.
static int Minute(java.lang.String time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.
static int Minute(variant time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.
static int Minute(vbdate time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.
static int Month(double date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.
static int Month(java.lang.String date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.
static int Month(variant date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.
static int Month(vbdate date)
          Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.
static java.lang.String MonthName(boolean month)
          Returns a string indicating the specified month.
static java.lang.String MonthName(boolean month, boolean abbreviate)
          Returns a string indicating the specified month.
static java.lang.String MonthName(double month)
          Returns a string indicating the specified month.
static java.lang.String MonthName(double month, boolean abbreviate)
          Returns a string indicating the specified month.
static vbdate Now()
          Returns the current date and time according to the setting of your computer's system date and time.
static java.lang.String Oct(boolean number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(double number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(int number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(java.lang.String number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(variant number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(vbcurrency number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static java.lang.String Oct(vbdate number)
          Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
static void Randomize()
          Initializes the random-number generator.
static void Randomize(double db)
          Initializes the random-number generator.
static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String find, java.lang.String replacewith)
          Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String find, java.lang.String replacewith, double start)
          Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String find, java.lang.String replacewith, double start, double count)
          Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String find, java.lang.String replacewith, double start, double count, double compare)
          Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
static int RGB(double red, double green, double blue)
          Returns a whole number representing an RGB color value.
static java.lang.String Right(java.lang.String string, double length)
          Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
static double Rnd()
          Returns a random number.
static double Rnd(double number)
          Returns a random number.
static boolean Round(boolean expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static double Round(double expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static double Round(double expression, double numdecimalplaces)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static double Round(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static double Round(variant expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static vbcurrency Round(vbcurrency expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static vbcurrency Round(vbcurrency expression, double numdecimalplaces)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static vbdate Round(vbdate expression)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static vbdate Round(vbdate expression, double numdecimalplaces)
          Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
static java.lang.String RTrim(boolean string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String RTrim(double string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String RTrim(java.lang.String string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String RTrim(variant string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String RTrim(vbcurrency string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String RTrim(vbdate string)
          Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String ScriptEngine()
          Returns "VBScript"
static int ScriptEngineBuildVersion()
          Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use.
static int ScriptEngineMajorVersion()
          Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use.
static int ScriptEngineMinorVersion()
          Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use.
static int Second(double time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.
static int Second(java.lang.String time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.
static int Second(variant time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.
static int Second(vbdate time)
          Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.
static int SetLocale(int lcid)
          Sets the global locale and returns the previous locale.
static int SetLocale(java.lang.String loc)
          Sets the global locale and returns the previous locale.
static int Sgn(boolean number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static int Sgn(double number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static int Sgn(java.lang.String number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static int Sgn(variant number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static int Sgn(vbcurrency number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static int Sgn(vbdate number)
          Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
static double Sin(boolean number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static double Sin(double number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static double Sin(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static double Sin(variant number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static double Sin(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static double Sin(vbdate number)
          Returns the sine of an angle.
static java.lang.String Space(boolean number)
          Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
static java.lang.String Space(double number)
          Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
static java.lang.String Space(java.lang.String number)
          Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
static java.lang.String Space(variant number)
          Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
static vbarray Split(boolean expression)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static vbarray Split(double expression)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String delimiter, double count)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String delimiter, double count, double compare)
          Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
static double Sqr(boolean number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static double Sqr(double number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static double Sqr(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static double Sqr(variant number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static double Sqr(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static double Sqr(vbdate number)
          Returns the square root of a number.
static int StrComp(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
          Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
static int StrComp(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, double compare)
          Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
static java.lang.String String(double number, double character)
          Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
static java.lang.String String(double number, java.lang.String character)
          Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
static java.lang.String String(double number, variant cv)
          Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(boolean string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(double string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(java.lang.String string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(variant string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(vbcurrency string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static java.lang.String StrReverse(vbdate string1)
          Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
static double Tan(boolean number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static double Tan(double number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static double Tan(java.lang.String number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static double Tan(variant number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static double Tan(vbcurrency number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static double Tan(vbdate number)
          Returns the tangent of an angle.
static vbdate Time()
          Returns a vbdate indicating the current system time.
static double Timer()
          Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 AM (midnight).
static vbdate TimeSerial(double hour, double minute, double second)
          Returns a vbdate containing the time for a specific hour, minute, and second.
static vbdate TimeValue(double time)
          Returns a vbdate containing the time.
static vbdate TimeValue(java.lang.String time)
static vbdate TimeValue(variant time)
          Returns a vbdate containing the time.
static vbdate TimeValue(vbdate time)
          Returns a vbdate containing the time.
static java.lang.String Trim(boolean string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String Trim(double string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String Trim(java.lang.String string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String Trim(variant string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String Trim(vbcurrency string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String Trim(vbdate string)
          Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.
static java.lang.String TypeName(boolean obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(double obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(float obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(int obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(short obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(java.lang.String obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(variant obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(vbcurrency obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static java.lang.String TypeName(vbdate obj)
          Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.
static int UBound(java.lang.Object array)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int UBound(java.lang.Object array, int dimension)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int UBound(variant array)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int UBound(variant array, int dimension)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int UBound(vbarray array)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static int UBound(vbarray array, int dimension)
          Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
static java.lang.String UCase(boolean string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String UCase(double string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String UCase(java.lang.String string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String UCase(variant string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String UCase(vbcurrency string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String UCase(vbdate string)
          Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
static java.lang.String Unescape(java.lang.String str)
          Returns a string value that contains the contents of charstring.
static int VarType(boolean obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(byte obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(double obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(float obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(int obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(short obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(java.lang.String obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(variant obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(vbcurrency obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int VarType(vbdate obj)
          Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
static int Weekday(variant date)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static int Weekday(vbdate date)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static int Weekday(vbdate date, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns a string indicating the specified month.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(boolean weekday)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(boolean weekday, boolean abbreviate)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday, boolean abbreviate)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday, boolean abbreviate, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(java.lang.String weekday)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(java.lang.String weekday, boolean abbreviate, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(variant weekday)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(variant weekday, boolean abbreviate, double firstdayofweek)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static java.lang.String WeekdayName(vbdate weekday)
          Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.
static int Year(double date)
          Returns a whole number representing the year.
static int Year(java.lang.String date)
          Returns a whole number representing the year.
static int Year(variant date)
          Returns a whole number representing the year.
static int Year(vbdate date)
          Returns a whole number representing the year.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public vb()
Method Detail


public static int Abs(int number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of an integer number. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - integer number.
the absolute value of a number.


public static double Abs(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a double number. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - double number.
the absolute value of a number.


public static double Abs(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a string. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - String number. The string must be converted to numeric.
the absolute value of a string.
throw - an Exception. If string number can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static variant Abs(variant number)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a variant. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - a variant.
the absolute value of a variant. If the number is null, return an variant whose type is vbNull.
throw - an Exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static short Abs(boolean number)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a boolean number. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - a boolean value.
the absolute value of a number. If the number is true, return 1, otherwise return 0.


public static vbcurrency Abs(vbcurrency number)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a vbcurrency. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - a vbcurrency value.
the absolute value of a vbCurrency.


public static vbdate Abs(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute value of a vbdate. The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude.
number - a vbdate value.
the absolute value of vbdate.


public static short Asc(java.lang.String string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a string.
string - the argument is any valid string expression.
the ANSI character code.
if - the string contains no characters, a run-time error occurs.


public static short Asc(int string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
string - the argument is a int numeric.
the ANSI character code.


public static short Asc(long string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
string - the argument is a long numeric.
the ANSI character code.


public static short Asc(float string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
string - the argument is a float numeric.
the ANSI character code.


public static short Asc(boolean string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a boolean string.
string - the argument is a boolean value.
If the argument is true, reutrns the ANSI character code of 'T', otherwise return code 'F'.


public static short Asc(double string)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a numeric string.
string - the argument is double expression.
the ANSI character code.


public static short AscB(java.lang.String string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscB Function.


public static short AscB(double string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscB Function.


public static short AscB(boolean string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscB Function.


public static short AscW(java.lang.String string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscW Function.


public static short AscW(double string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscW Function.


public static short AscW(boolean string)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Do not support AscW Function.


public static double Atn(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the arctangent of a number.
number - the argument can be any valid numeric expression.
the arctangent of a number.


public static double Atn(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the arctangent of a numeric string.
number - the argument can be any valid string expression that can be converted to numeric.
the arctangent of a numeric string.
if - the argument is not a numeric string, a runtime error ocurrs.


public static double Atn(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the arctangent of a boolean value.
number - a boolean value.
the arctangent of a boolean value.


public static boolean CBool(double expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a numeric expression.
True or False.


public static boolean CBool(vbdate expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a vbdate expression.
True or False.


public static boolean CBool(vbcurrency expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a vbcurrency expression.
True or False.


public static boolean CBool(java.lang.String expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a string expression.
True or False.
throw - an Exception. If expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static boolean CBool(boolean expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a boolean value.
True or False.


public static boolean CBool(variant expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype boolean.
expression - The argument is a variant.
True or False.
throw - an Exception. If expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static short CByte(double expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a numeric expression.
a byte value.
throw - an Exception. If expression lies outside the acceptable range for the byte subtype, an error occurs.


public static short CByte(java.lang.String expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a string expression.
a byte value.
throw - an Exception. If expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value or lies outside the acceptable range for the byte subtype, an error occurs.


public static short CByte(boolean expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a boolean expression.
if expression is False, return 0; if expression is True, return 255.


public static short CByte(vbdate expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a vbdate expression.
a byte value.


public static short CByte(vbcurrency expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a vbcurrency expression.
a byte value.


public static short CByte(variant expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Byte.
expression - The argument is a variant.
a byte value.
throw - an Exception. If the variant is NULL, an error occurs.


public static java.lang.String Chr(double charcode)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
charcode - the argument is a numeric.
the character.


public static java.lang.String Chr(java.lang.String charcode)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
charcode - the argument is a string expression.
the character.
throw - an Exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric, an error occurs.


public static java.lang.String Chr(boolean charcode)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code.
charcode - the argument is a boolean value.
the character.


public static vbcurrency CCur(double expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
a vbcurrency object.


public static vbcurrency CCur(java.lang.String expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
a vbcurrency object.
throw - an Exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static vbcurrency CCur(vbdate expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a vbdate.
a vbcurrency object.


public static vbcurrency CCur(vbcurrency expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a vbcurrency object.


public static vbcurrency CCur(variant expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a variant.
a vbcurrency object.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, a run-time error occurs.


public static vbcurrency CCur(boolean expression)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Currency.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
a vbcurrency object.


public static vbdate CDate(double date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a numeric expression.
a vbdate object.


public static vbdate CDate(java.lang.String date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a string expression.
a vbdate object.
throw - an exception. If string expression can't be interpreted as a valid date/time string, a run-time error occurs.


public static vbdate CDate(vbdate date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a vbdate.
a vbdate object.


public static vbdate CDate(vbcurrency date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a vbdate object.


public static vbdate CDate(boolean date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a boolean value.
a vbdate object.


public static vbdate CDate(variant date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Date.
date - the argument is a variant.
a vbdate object.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, a run-time error occurs.


public static double CDbl(double expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
a double value.


public static double CDbl(java.lang.String expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a string expression.
a double value.
throw - an exception. If string expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value, a run-time error occurs.


public static double CDbl(vbdate expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a vbdate.
a double value.


public static double CDbl(vbcurrency expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a double value.


public static double CDbl(boolean expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
if the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static double CDbl(java.lang.Object expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is an object.
a double value.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, a run-time error occurs.


public static double CDbl(variant expression)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Double.
expression - the argument is a variant.
a double value.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, a run-time error occurs.


public static short CInt(double expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
an integer value.
throw - an exception. If expression lies outside the acceptable range for the Integer subtype, an error occurs.


public static short CInt(java.lang.String expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a string expression.
an integer value.
throw - an exception. If expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static short CInt(vbdate expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a vbdate.
an integer value.


public static short CInt(vbcurrency expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
an integer value.


public static short CInt(boolean expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
if the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static short CInt(variant expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Integer.
expression - the argument is a variant.
an integer value.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, an error occurs.


public static int CLng(double expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
a long value.
throw - an exception. If expression lies outside the acceptable range for the Long subtype, an error occurs.


public static int CLng(java.lang.String expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a string expression.
a long value.
throw - an exception. If expression can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static int CLng(vbdate expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a vbdate.
a long value.


public static int CLng(vbcurrency expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a long value.


public static int CLng(boolean expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
if the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static int CLng(variant expression)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Long.
expression - the argument is a variant.
a long value.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, an error occurs.


public static float CSng(double expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a numeric expression.
a single value.
throw - an exception. If expression lies outside the acceptable range for the Single subtype, an error occurs.


public static float CSng(vbdate expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a vbdate.
a single value.


public static float CSng(vbcurrency expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a single value.


public static float CSng(java.lang.String expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a string expression.
a single value.
throw - an exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static float CSng(boolean expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
if the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static float CSng(variant expression)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype Single.
expression - the argument is a variant.
a single value.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, an error occurs.


public static java.lang.String CStr(vbdate da)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
da - the argument is a vbdate.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(vbcurrency expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a vbcurrency.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(int expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is an integer value.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(short expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a short value.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(long expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a long value.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(double expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a double value.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(java.lang.String expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a string expression.
a string expression.


public static java.lang.String CStr(boolean expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a boolean value.
the argument is True, return True; otherwise, return False.


public static java.lang.String CStr(variant expression)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Variant of subtype String.
expression - the argument is a variant.
a string expression.
throw - an exception. If the argument is NULL, a run-time error occurs.


public static java.lang.String Hex(int number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is an integer value.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Hex(double number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a double value.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Hex(java.lang.String number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a string expression.
the hexadecimal value of a number.
throw - an exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static java.lang.String Hex(boolean number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a boolean value.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Hex(variant number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a variant.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Hex(vbdate number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a vbdate.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Hex(vbcurrency number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
number - the argument is a vbcurrency.
the hexadecimal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(int number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is an integer value.
the octal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(double number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a double value.
the octal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(java.lang.String number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a string expression.
the octal value of a number.
throw - an exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static java.lang.String Oct(boolean number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a boolean value.
the octal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(vbdate number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a vbdate.
the octal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(vbcurrency number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a vbcurrency.
the octal value of a number.


public static java.lang.String Oct(variant number)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
number - the argument is a variant.
the octal value of a number.


public static double Int(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a double value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static float Int(float number)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a float value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static double Int(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a string expression.
the integer portion of a number.
throw - an exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static int Int(int number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is an integer value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static short Int(short number)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a short value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static long Int(long number)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a long value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static vbdate Int(vbdate vd)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a vbdate.
the integer portion of a number.


public static short Int(boolean number)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a boolean value.
the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static variant Int(variant number)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a variant.
the integer portion of a number.


public static vbcurrency Int(vbcurrency number)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a vbcurrency.
the integer portion of a number.


public static int Fix(double number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a double value.
the integer portion of a number.


public static int Fix(java.lang.String number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a string expression.
the integer portion of a number.
throw - an exception. If the argument can't be interpreted as a numeric value, an error occurs.


public static int Fix(boolean number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a boolean value.
the argument is True, return -1; otherwise, return 0.


public static int Fix(variant number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a variant.
the integer portion of a number.


public static int Fix(vbdate number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a vbdate.
the integer portion of a number.


public static int Fix(vbcurrency number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the integer portion of a number. If number is negative, return the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.
number - the argument is a vbcurrency.
the integer portion of a number.


public static int Sgn(double number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a double value.
1, 0 or -1 to indicate the sign of a number.


public static int Sgn(java.lang.String number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a String that can convert to a number.
1, 0 or -1 to indicate the sign of a number.


public static int Sgn(boolean number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a boolean value.
-1, if the number is True. Otherwise 0.


public static int Sgn(variant number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a variant.
1, 0 or -1 to indicate the sign of a number.


public static int Sgn(vbdate number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a vbdate value.
1, 0 or -1 to indicate the sign of a number.


public static int Sgn(vbcurrency number)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number.
number - a vbcurrency value.
1, 0 or -1 to indicate the sign of a number.


public static int InStr(java.lang.String string1,
                        java.lang.String string2)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression searched for.
the position of the first occurrence of string2 with in strin1. If string1 or string2 is NULL, returns -2, (IIS returns NULL in this case).
See Also:
InStr(double start, String string1, String string2, double compare).


public static int InStr(double start,
                        java.lang.String string1,
                        java.lang.String string2)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
start - A numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs. The start argument is required if compare is specified.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression searched for.
See Also:
InStr(double start, String string1, String string2, double compare).


public static int InStr(double start,
                        java.lang.String string1,
                        java.lang.String string2,
                        double compare)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
start - A numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs. The start argument is required if compare is specified.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression searched for.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings.
The InStr function returns the following values:
If InStr returns
string1 is zero-length 0
string1 is Null -2
string2 is zero-length start
string2 is Null -2
string2 is not found 0
string2 is found within string1 Position at which match is found
start > Len(string2) 0


public static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1,
                           java.lang.String string2)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression being searched for.


public static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1,
                           java.lang.String string2,
                           double start)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression being searched for.
start - A numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, -1 is used, which means that the search begins at the last character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs.


public static int InStrRev(java.lang.String string1,
                           java.lang.String string2,
                           double start,
                           double compare)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
string1 - a String expression being searched.
string2 - a String expression being searched for.
start - A numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, -1 is used, which means that the search begins at the last character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed.
the InStrRev returns the following values:
If InStrRev returns
string1 is zero-length 0
string1 is Null -2
string2 is zero-length start
string2 is Null -2
string2 is not found 0
string2 is found within string1 Position at which match is found
start > Len(string2) 0


public static int Len(java.lang.String string)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.
string - a String.
the number of characters in a string. if the string is null, returns -1.


public static int Len(vbdate st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.
st - a vbdate.
the number of characters in a string. if the st is null, returns -1.


public static int Len(vbcurrency st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.
st - a vbcurrency.
the number of characters in a currency string. if the st is null, returns -1.


public static int Len(variant st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.
st - a variant.
the number of characters in a variant. if the st is null, returns -1.


public static int Len(double st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.
st - a double value.
the number of characters in a double value.


public static int Len(int st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.


public static int Len(long string)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.


public static int Len(boolean st)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of characters in a string.


public static java.lang.String LCase(java.lang.String string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String LCase(boolean string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String LCase(double string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String LCase(variant string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String LCase(vbdate string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String LCase(vbcurrency string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(java.lang.String string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(boolean string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(double string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(variant string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(vbdate string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String UCase(vbcurrency string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
string - any valid string expression.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String Left(java.lang.String string,
                                    double length)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
string - a String expression from which the leftmost characters are returned.
length - A numeric expression indicating how many characters to return.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.
if length is 0, a zero-length string("") is returned.
If length is greater than or equal to the number of characters in string, the entire string is returned.


public static java.lang.String Mid(java.lang.String string,
                                   double start)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
string - a String expression from which characters are returned.
start - the Character position in string at which the part to be taken begins.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.
If start is greater than the number of characters in string, Mid returns a zero-length string ("").


public static java.lang.String Mid(java.lang.String string,
                                   double start,
                                   double length)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
string - a String expression from which characters are returned.
start - the Character position in string at which the part to be taken begins.
length - the Number of characters to return.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.
If start is greater than the number of characters in string, Mid returns a zero-length string ("").


public static java.lang.String Right(java.lang.String string,
                                     double length)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
string - a String expression from which the rightmost characters are returned.
length - A numeric expression indicating how many characters to return.
If string contains Null, Null is returned.
If length is 0, a zero-length string is returned.
If length is greater than or equal to the number of characters in string, the entire string is returned.


public static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression,
                                       java.lang.String find,
                                       java.lang.String replacewith)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
expression - a String expression containing substring to replace.
find - a Substring being searched for.
replacewith - Replacement substring.


public static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression,
                                       java.lang.String find,
                                       java.lang.String replacewith,
                                       double start)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
expression - a String expression containing substring to replace.
find - a Substring being searched for.
replacewith - Replacement substring.
start - The position within expression where substring search is to begin. If omitted, 1 is assumed. Must be used in conjunction with count.


public static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression,
                                       java.lang.String find,
                                       java.lang.String replacewith,
                                       double start,
                                       double count)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
expression - a String expression containing substring to replace.
find - a Substring being searched for.
replacewith - Replacement substring.
start - The position within expression where substring search is to begin. If omitted, 1 is assumed. Must be used in conjunction with count.
count - The Number of substring substitutions to perform. If omitted, the default value is -1, which means make all possible substitutions. Must be used in conjunction with start.


public static java.lang.String Replace(java.lang.String expression,
                                       java.lang.String find,
                                       java.lang.String replacewith,
                                       double start,
                                       double count,
                                       double compare)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
expression - a String expression containing substring to replace.
find - a Substring being searched for.
replacewith - Replacement substring.
start - The position within expression where substring search is to begin. If omitted, 1 is assumed. Must be used in conjunction with count.
count - The Number of substring substitutions to perform. If omitted, the default value is -1, which means make all possible substitutions. Must be used in conjunction with start.
compare - The Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. See Settings section for values. If omitted, the default value is 0, which means perform a binary comparison.


public static java.lang.String Space(double number)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
number - the number of spaces you want in the string.


public static java.lang.String Space(java.lang.String number)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
number - the number of spaces you want in the string.


public static java.lang.String Space(boolean number)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
number - a boolean value.


public static java.lang.String Space(variant number)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
number - the number of spaces you want in the string.


public static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
expression - a String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
If expression is a zero-length string, Split returns an empty array, that is, an array with no elements and no data.


public static vbarray Split(double expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.


public static vbarray Split(boolean expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.


public static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression,
                            java.lang.String delimiter)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
a - String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
delimiter - a String character used to identify substring limits
If expression is a zero-length string, Split returns an empty array, that is, an array with no elements and no data
If delimiter is a zero-length string, a single-element array containing the entire expression string is returned


public static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression,
                            java.lang.String delimiter,
                            double count)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
a - String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
delimiter - a String character used to identify substring limits
count - a Number of substrings to be returned; -1 indicates that all substrings are returned.
If expression is a zero-length string, Split returns an empty array, that is, an array with no elements and no data
If delimiter is a zero-length string, a single-element array containing the entire expression string is returned


public static vbarray Split(java.lang.String expression,
                            java.lang.String delimiter,
                            double count,
                            double compare)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
a - String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
delimiter - a String character used to identify substring limits
count - a Number of substrings to be returned; -1 indicates that all substrings are returned.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings
If expression is a zero-length string, Split returns an empty array, that is, an array with no elements and no data
If delimiter is a zero-length string, a single-element array containing the entire expression string is returned


public static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.


public static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value,
                             boolean include)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.
include - a boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude value.


public static vbarray Filter(vbarray inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value,
                             boolean include,
                             double compare)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.
include - a boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude value.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of string comparison to use.


public static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.


public static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value,
                             boolean include)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.
include - a boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude value.


public static vbarray Filter(variant inputStrings,
                             java.lang.String value,
                             boolean include,
                             double compare)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
inputStrings - One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
value - a String to search for.
include - a boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude value.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of string comparison to use.


public static int StrComp(java.lang.String string1,
                          java.lang.String string2)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
string1 - Any valid string expression.
string2 - Any valid string expression.


public static int StrComp(java.lang.String string1,
                          java.lang.String string2,
                          double compare)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
string1 - Any valid string expression.
string2 - Any valid string expression.
compare - A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating strings.


public static java.lang.String String(double number,
                                      java.lang.String character)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
number - Length of the returned string.
character - Character code specifying the character or string expression whose first character is used to build the return string. If character contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String String(double number,
                                      double character)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
number - Length of the returned string. If number contains Null, Null is returned.
character - a double value specifying the character to build the return string.


public static java.lang.String String(double number,
                                      variant cv)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a repeating character string of the length specified.
number - Length of the returned string.
cv - Character code specifying the character or string expression whose first character is used to build the return string. If character contains Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(java.lang.String string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
string1 - a String whose characters are to be reversed.
If string1 is a zero-length string (""), a zero-length string is returned. If string1 is Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(variant string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
string1 - a String whose characters are to be reversed.
If string1 is a zero-length string (""), a zero-length string is returned. If string1 is Null, Null is returned.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(double string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(vbdate string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(vbcurrency string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.


public static java.lang.String StrReverse(boolean string1)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(java.lang.String string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(variant string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(double string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(vbdate string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(vbcurrency string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String LTrim(boolean string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(java.lang.String string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(double string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(variant string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(vbdate string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(vbcurrency string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String RTrim(boolean string)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(java.lang.String string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(variant string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(vbdate string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(vbcurrency string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(double string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static java.lang.String Trim(boolean string)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a copy of a string without both leading and trailing spaces.


public static double Cos(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Cos(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Cos(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Cos(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Cos(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Cos(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the cosine of an angle.


public static double Sin(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Sin(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Sin(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Sin(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Sin(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Sin(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the sine of an angle.


public static double Tan(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Tan(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Tan(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Tan(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Tan(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Tan(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the tangent of an angle.


public static double Exp(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Exp(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Exp(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Exp(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Exp(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Exp(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.


public static double Log(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


public static double Log(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception


public static double Log(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


public static double Log(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


public static double Log(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


public static double Log(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


public static double Sqr(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Sqr(java.lang.String number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Sqr(boolean number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Sqr(variant number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Sqr(vbdate number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Sqr(vbcurrency number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the square root of a number.


public static double Rnd()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a random number.


public static double Rnd(double number)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a random number.


public static double Round(double expression)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static vbdate Round(vbdate expression)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static vbcurrency Round(vbcurrency expression)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static vbdate Round(vbdate expression,
                           double numdecimalplaces)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static vbcurrency Round(vbcurrency expression,
                               double numdecimalplaces)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static double Round(java.lang.String expression)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static double Round(variant expression)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static boolean Round(boolean expression)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static double Round(double expression,
                           double numdecimalplaces)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(variant expression)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression,
                                              double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression,
                                              double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                              double IncludeLeadingDigit)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression,
                                              double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                              double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                              double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatCurrency(double expression,
                                              double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                              double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                              double UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
                                              double GroupDigits)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.
GroupDigits - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the computer's regional settings. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(variant expression)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression,
                                            double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression,
                                            double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                            double IncludeLeadingDigit)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression,
                                            double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                            double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                            double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatNumber(double expression,
                                            double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                            double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                            double UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
                                            double GroupDigits)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.
GroupDigits - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the control panel. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(variant expression)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
expression - An expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
expression - An expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression,
                                             double NumDigitsAfterDecimal)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression,
                                             double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                             double IncludeLeadingDigit)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression,
                                             double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                             double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                             double UseParensForNegativeNumbers)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatPercent(double expression,
                                             double NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
                                             double IncludeLeadingDigit,
                                             double UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
                                             double GroupDigits)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
Expression - An expression to be formatted.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal - A numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is -1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
IncludeLeadingDigit - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See Settings section for values.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See Settings section for values.
GroupDigits - Tristate constant that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the control panel. See Settings section for values.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(double date)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(double date,
                                              double NamedFormat)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(java.lang.String date)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(java.lang.String date,
                                              double NamedFormat)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.
NamedFormat - a numeric value that indicates the date/time format used. If omitted, vbGeneralDate is used.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(vbdate date)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(vbdate date,
                                              double NamedFormat)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.
NamedFormat - A numeric value that indicates the date/time format used. If omitted, vbGeneralDate is used.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(variant date)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.


public static java.lang.String FormatDateTime(variant date,
                                              double NamedFormat)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time.
date - A date expression to be formatted.
NamedFormat - A numeric value that indicates the date/time format used. If omitted, vbGeneralDate is used.


public static boolean IsArray(variant obj)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.


public static boolean IsArray(vbarray obj)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.


public static int LBound(variant arrayname)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
arrayname - name of the array variable.


public static int LBound(vbarray arrayname)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
arrayname - name of the array variable.


public static int LBound(java.lang.Object arrayname,
                         double dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
arrayname - name of the array variable.
dimension - whole number indicating which dimension's lower bound is returned.


public static int LBound(vbarray arrayname,
                         double dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
arrayname - name of the array variable.
dimension - whole number indicating which dimension's lower bound is returned.


public static int LBound(variant arrayname,
                         double dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the smallest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
arrayname - name of the array variable.
dimension - whole number indicating which dimension's lower bound is returned.


public static int UBound(variant array)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.


public static int UBound(vbarray array)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.


public static int UBound(java.lang.Object array)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.


public static int UBound(java.lang.Object array,
                         int dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.
dimension - Whole number indicating which dimension's upper bound is returned. Use 1 for the first dimension, 2 for the second, and so on. If dimension is omitted, 1 is assumed.


public static int UBound(variant array,
                         int dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.
dimension - Whole number indicating which dimension's upper bound is returned. Use 1 for the first dimension, 2 for the second, and so on. If dimension is omitted, 1 is assumed.


public static int UBound(vbarray array,
                         int dimension)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.
array - the name of the array variable.
dimension - Whole number indicating which dimension's upper bound is returned. Use 1 for the first dimension, 2 for the second, and so on. If dimension is omitted, 1 is assumed.


public static java.lang.String Eval(java.lang.String str)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Evaluates an expression and returns the result.
Don't support this function.


public static int RGB(double red,
                      double green,
                      double blue)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing an RGB color value.
red - number in the range 0-255 representing the red component of the color.
green - number in the range 0-255 representing the green component of the color.
blue - number in the range 0-255 representing the blue component of the color.
the value.


public static boolean IsDate(double d)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.


public static boolean IsDate(vbdate d)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.


public static boolean IsDate(java.lang.String d)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.


public static boolean IsDate(variant d)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be converted to a date.


public static boolean IsEmpty(double d)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.


public static boolean IsEmpty(variant d)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.


public static boolean IsEmpty(java.lang.String d)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.


public static boolean IsEmpty(boolean d)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.


public static boolean IsEmpty(vbdate d)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.


public static boolean IsNull(double expression)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).


public static boolean IsNull(java.lang.Object expression)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).


public static boolean IsNull(java.lang.String expression)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).


public static boolean IsNull(vbdate expression)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).


public static boolean IsNull(variant expression)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether An expression contains no valid data ( Null).


public static boolean IsNumeric(double expression)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.


public static boolean IsNumeric(java.lang.String expression)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.


public static boolean IsNumeric(vbdate expression)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.


public static boolean IsNumeric(vbcurrency expression)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.


public static boolean IsNumeric(variant expression)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a boolean value indicating whether An expression can be evaluated as a number.


public static boolean IsObject(variant obj)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static boolean IsObject(double obj)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static boolean IsObject(java.lang.String obj)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static boolean IsObject(boolean b)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static boolean IsObject(vbdate b)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static boolean IsObject(java.lang.Object b)
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression references a valid Java object.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(int obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(variant obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(short obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(vbdate obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(float obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(boolean obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(double obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(java.lang.String obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static java.lang.String TypeName(vbcurrency obj)
Returns a string that provides Variant subtype information about a variable.


public static int VarType(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.
The VarType function returns the following values:
Constant Value Description
vbEmpty 0 Empty (uninitialized)
vbNull 1 Null (no valid data)
vbInteger 2 Integer
vbLong 3 Long integer
vbSingle 4 Single-precision floating-point number
vbDouble 5 Double-precision floating-point number
vbCurrency 6 Currency
vbDate 7 Date
vbString 8 String
vbObject 9 Automation object
Error 10 Error
vbBoolean 11 Boolean
vbVariant 12 Variant (used only with arrays of Variants)
vbDataObject 13 A data-access object
vbByte 17 Byte
vbArray 8192 Array


public static int VarType(variant obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(byte obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(boolean obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(vbdate obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(vbcurrency obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(short obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(int obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(float obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(double obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static int VarType(java.lang.String obj)
Returns a value indicating the subtype of a variable.


public static vbdate Date()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the current system date.


public static vbdate Time()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate indicating the current system time.


public static double Timer()
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12:00 AM (midnight).


public static vbdate Now()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the current date and time according to the setting of your computer's system date and time.


public static vbdate DateAdd(java.lang.String interval,
                             double number,
                             vbdate date)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
interval - a String expression that is the interval you want to add.
number - a numeric expression that is the number of interval you want to add. The numeric expression can either be positive, for dates in the future, or negative, for dates in the past.
date - a vbdate representing the date to which interval is added.


public static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval,
                              vbdate date1,
                              vbdate date2)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
interval - a String expression that is the interval you want to use to calculate the differences between date1 and date2. See Settings section for values.
date1, - date2 date expressions. Two dates you want to use in the calculation.


public static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval,
                              vbdate date1,
                              vbdate date2,
                              double firstdayofweek)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
interval - a String expression that is the interval you want to use to calculate the differences between date1 and date2. See Settings section for values.
date1, - date2 date expressions. Two dates you want to use in the calculation.
firstdayofweek - Constant that specifies the day of the week. If not specified, Sunday is assumed.


public static double DateDiff(java.lang.String interval,
                              vbdate date1,
                              vbdate date2,
                              double firstdayofweek,
                              double firstweekofyear)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of intervals between two dates.
interval - a String expression that is the interval you want to use to calculate the differences between date1 and date2. See Settings section for values.
date1, - date2 date expressions. Two dates you want to use in the calculation.
firstdayofweek - Constant that specifies the day of the week. If not specified, Sunday is assumed.
firstweekofyear - Constant that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, the first week is assumed to be the week in which January 1 occurs.


public static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval,
                           vbdate date)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the specified part of a given date.
interval - String expression that is the interval of time you want to return. See Settings section for values.
date - Date expression you want to evaluate.


public static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval,
                           vbdate date,
                           double firstdayofweek)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the specified part of a given date.
interval - String expression that is the interval of time you want to return. See Settings section for values.
date - Date expression you want to evaluate.
firstdayofweek - Constant that specifies the day of the week. If not specified, Sunday is assumed.


public static int DatePart(java.lang.String interval,
                           vbdate date,
                           double firstdayofweek,
                           double firstweekofyear)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the specified part of a given date.
interval - String expression that is the interval of time you want to return. See Settings section for values.
date - Date expression you want to evaluate.
firstdayofweek - Constant that specifies the day of the week. If not specified, Sunday is assumed.
firstweekofyear - Constant that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, the first week is assumed to be the week in which January 1 occurs.


public static vbdate DateSerial(double year,
                                double month,
                                double day)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate for a specified year, month, and day.


public static vbdate DateValue(java.lang.String date)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate.
date - Normally a string expression representing a date from January 1, 100 through December 31, 9999. However, date can also be any expression that can represent a date, a time, or both a date and time, in that range.


public static vbdate DateValue(vbdate date)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate.


public static vbdate DateValue(double date)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate.


public static vbdate DateValue(variant date)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate.


public static int Day(vbdate date)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.


public static int Day(java.lang.String date)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.


public static int Day(double date)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.


public static int Day(variant date)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 31, inclusive, representing the day of the month.


public static int Month(vbdate date)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.


public static int Month(variant date)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.


public static int Month(double date)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.


public static int Month(java.lang.String date)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the month of the year.


public static java.lang.String MonthName(double month)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string indicating the specified month.


public static java.lang.String MonthName(boolean month)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string indicating the specified month.


public static java.lang.String MonthName(double month,
                                         boolean abbreviate)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string indicating the specified month.


public static int Weekday(vbdate date,
                          double firstdayofweek)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string indicating the specified month.


public static java.lang.String MonthName(boolean month,
                                         boolean abbreviate)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string indicating the specified month.


public static int Weekday(variant date)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static int Weekday(vbdate date)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(boolean weekday)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(vbdate weekday)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(java.lang.String weekday)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(variant weekday)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday,
                                           boolean abbreviate)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(double weekday,
                                           boolean abbreviate,
                                           double firstdayofweek)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(java.lang.String weekday,
                                           boolean abbreviate,
                                           double firstdayofweek)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(variant weekday,
                                           boolean abbreviate,
                                           double firstdayofweek)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static java.lang.String WeekdayName(boolean weekday,
                                           boolean abbreviate)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.


public static int Year(vbdate date)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the year. if the date is null, return 0.


public static int Year(variant date)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the year. if the date is null, return 0.


public static int Year(java.lang.String date)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the year. if the date is null, return 0.


public static int Year(double date)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number representing the year.


public static int Hour(vbdate time)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day. if the time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Hour(variant time)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day. if the time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Hour(java.lang.String time)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day. if the time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Hour(double time)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 23, inclusive, representing the hour of the day.


public static int Minute(vbdate time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Minute(variant time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Minute(java.lang.String time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Minute(double time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the minute of the hour.


public static int Second(vbdate time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Second(variant time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Second(java.lang.String time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute. if time is NULL, return 0.


public static int Second(double time)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a whole number between 0 and 59, inclusive, representing the second of the minute.


public static vbdate TimeSerial(double hour,
                                double minute,
                                double second)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate containing the time for a specific hour, minute, and second.


public static vbdate TimeValue(java.lang.String time)
                        throws java.lang.Exception


public static vbdate TimeValue(vbdate time)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate containing the time.


public static vbdate TimeValue(variant time)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate containing the time.


public static vbdate TimeValue(double time)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a vbdate containing the time.


public static variant Array()
Returns a Variant containing an array. The required arglist argument is a comma-delimited list of values that are assigned to the elements of an array contained with the Variant. If no arguments are specified, an array of zero length is created.


public static variant Array(pVector vv)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a Variant containing an array.


public static java.lang.String Join(vbarray a)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
a - One-dimensional array containing substrings to be joined.


public static java.lang.String Join(vbarray a,
                                    java.lang.String b)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
a - One-dimensional array containing substrings to be joined.
b - String character used to separate the substrings in the returned string.


public static java.lang.String Join(variant a)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.


public static java.lang.String Join(variant a,
                                    java.lang.String b)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.


public static java.lang.String ScriptEngine()
Returns "VBScript"


public static int ScriptEngineBuildVersion()
Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use.


public static int ScriptEngineMajorVersion()
Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use.


public static int ScriptEngineMinorVersion()
Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use.


public static void Randomize()
Initializes the random-number generator.


public static void Randomize(double db)
Initializes the random-number generator.
db - Any valid numeric expression


public static int SetLocale(java.lang.String loc)
Sets the global locale and returns the previous locale.


public static int SetLocale(int lcid)
Sets the global locale and returns the previous locale.
lcid - If lcid is zero, the locale is set to match the current system setting.


public static int GetLocale()
Returns the current locale ID value.


public static java.lang.String Escape(java.lang.String str)
Returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of charstring. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. For example, a space is returned as "%20."


public static java.lang.String Unescape(java.lang.String str)
Returns a string value that contains the contents of charstring. All characters encoded with the %xx hexadecimal form are replaced by their ASCII character set equivalents.