Migrating the ASP Application

  1. Preparing the ASP application

    you must perform following tasks before using J-ASP to migrate ASP applications:

  2. Launching the Conversion GUI

    Choose Start > Programs > J-ASP > Conversion.

    The Conversion GUI appears on Screen:

  3. The Application Root

    In the Application Root field, enter the path of the directory that contains the ASP application or click Browse to select this directory, as follows:

  4. The Output Directory

    In the Output Directory field, enter the path of a directory to store Jsp/Servlet files generated by J-ASP or click Browse to select an existing directory.

  5. The Option of migrating ASP to JSP or Servlet

    If you want to migrate from ASP to Servlet, please mark the 'ASP to Servlet' option, otherwise mark the 'ASP to JSP' option.

  6. Setting Virtual Path

    If necessary, specify the virtual path and virtual directory used by the ASP application. An ASP application can use virtual directories either by specifying them in URLs or by using an include directive with the virtual attribute. The following example shows a virtual directory specified in an include directive:

    <!--#Include Virtual="/virdir/adovbs.inc">

  7. Converting ASP Application

    Click 'Convert', the converting process starts, J-ASP displays the information in a text box and additionally saves the information to <J-ASP>\logs\jasp.log file.

    At the same time, J-ASP generates a migration report file, which shows the lines of ASP file, total files of ASP application and ActiveX/COM's name etc. if you want to use Netcoole migration service, the migration report is very helpful for us to estimate your ASP application.

  8. Building the .WAR file

    J-ASP also create the WEB-INF folder in the Output Directory, and copy jasp.jar and configuration files of J-ASP into WEB-INF folder.

    Following listing illustrates the Output Directory structure:

        <OUTPUT Directory>

              Resource files(*.htm, *.jsp)

    For deplying the Application, please pack the all files in Output Directory to a Web ARchive file(.war) using jar utitlity. Following command is the jar's usage:

    jar -cvf <myapp>.war .

    For example: I assume the Output Directory is d:\test\, please change directory to d:\test\ in DOS prompt. and type following command:

    jar -cvf test.war .

    Then you can deploy the test.war to the Web Server.

  9. Deploying the .WAR file

    The .WAR file can be deployed on Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, WebLogic and OC4J etc.
    Please see "Deploying the Migrated Application".

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact asp2jsp@netcoole.com.