J-ASP Error Information

1. J-ASP Runtime Error

J-ASP run-time errors are errors that result when generated JSP/Servlet attempts to perform an action that the system cannot execute. The errors occur while generated JSP/Servlet is being executed.
If the error is J-ASP internal fault, the error number is 51. If the error is SQLException, the error number is the number of the SQLException.

Error Number Description
5 Invalid procedure call or argument
6 Overflow
7 Out of Memory
9 Subscript out of range
10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked
11 Division by zero
13 Type mismatch
14 Out of string space
17 Can't perform requested operation
28 Out of stack space
51 Internal error
52 Bad file name or number
53 File not found
54 Bad file mode
55 File already open
57 Device I/O error
58 File already exists
61 Disk full
62 Input past end of file
67 Too many files
68 Device unavailable
70 Permission denied
71 Disk not ready
74 Can't rename with different drive
75 Path/File access error
76 Path not found
81Write file error
85 The filename,directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
86 Invalid file format.
88 File access error.
89 Can't assign to read_only field.
90Invalid SQL statement, can insert new record.
91 Object variable or With block variable not set
92 For loop not initialized
93 Invalid pattern string
94 Invalid use of Null
322 Can't create necessary temporary file
424 Object required
429 ActiveX component can't create object
430 Class doesn't support Automation
432 File name or class name not found during Automation operation
438 Object doesn't support this property or method
449 Argument not optional
450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
451 Object not a collection
507 An exception occurred
3001 The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
3021 Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record.
3219 The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context.
3246 The application cannot explicitly close a Connection object while in the middle of a transaction.
3251 The operation requested by the application is not supported by the provider.
3265 ADO could not find the object in the collection corresponding to the name or ordinal reference requested by the application.
3367 Can't append. The object is already in the collection.
3420 The object referenced by the application no longer points to a valid object
3421 The application is using a value of the wrong type for the current operation.
3704 The operation requested by the application is not allowed if the object is closed.
3705 The operation requested by the application is not allowed if the object is open.
3706 ADO could not find the specified provider.
3707 The application cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object with a Command object as its source.
3708 The application has improperly defined a Parameter object.
3709 The application requested an operation on an object with a reference to a closed or invalid Connection object.
4001 Current version does not support the feature.
4200 Not found the Driver.
4201 Does not support BLOB, CLOB data type.
-2147168237 Only one transaction can be active on this session.
-2147168242 No transaction is active.
-2147217908 No command has been set for the command object.
-2147217884 The rowset does not support fetching backwards.
-2147217909 Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed.
-2147216000 Incorrect syntax
-2147216001 Incorrect syntax near '{'

2. J-ASP Syntax Error

J-ASP syntax errors are errors that result when the structure of one of your VBScript statements violates one or more of the grammatical rules of the VBScript scripting language. The errors occur during converting VBscript script into JSP/Servlet.

Error Number Description
35 Sub or function not defined
500 Variable is undefined
506 Class not defined
1001 Out of Memory
1002 Syntax error
1005 Expected '('
1006 Expected ')'
1010 Expected identifier
1011 Expected '='
1012 Expected 'If'
1013 Expected 'To'
1013 Invalid number
1014 Expected 'End'
1014 Invalid character
1015 Expected 'Function'
1015 Unterminated string constant
1016 Expected 'Sub'
1017 Expected 'Then'
1018 Expected 'Wend'
1019 Expected 'Loop'
1020 Expected 'Next'
1021 Expected 'Case'
1022 Expected 'Select'
1023 Expected expression
1024 Expected statement
1025 Expected end of statement
1026 Expected integer constant
1027 Expected 'While' or 'Until'
1028 Expected 'While,' 'Until,' or end of statement
1029 Expected 'With'
1030 Identifier too long
1037 Invalid use of 'Me' keyword
1038 'loop' without 'do'
1039 Invalid 'exit' statement
1040 Invalid 'for' loop control variable
1041 Name redefined
1042 Must be first statement on the line
1044 Cannot use parentheses when calling a Sub
1045 Expected literal constant
1046 Expected 'In'
1047 Expected 'Class'
1048 Must be defined inside a Class
1049 Expected Let or Set or Get in property declaration
1050 Expected 'Property'
1051 Number of arguments must be consistent across properties specification
1052 Cannot have multiple default property/method in a Class
1053 Class initialize or terminate do not have arguments
1054 Property Set or Let must have at least one argument
1055 Unexpected 'Next'