Units list

Delphi2CS does not guarantee that the generated C# codes work fine, because many of the VCL components and objects do not have the corresponding components in .NET.

ActnColorMaps ActnCtrls ActnList ActnMan
ActnMenus AxCtrls Buttons Calendar
CheckLst Classes Clipbrd ComCtrls
CommCtrl CommDlg ComObj Contnrs
Controls ConvUtils DB DBCtrls
DBGrids Dialogs ExtActns ExtCtrls
ExtDlgs FileCtrl Forms Graphics
Grids HelpIntfs ImgList IniFiles
IOUtils JPeg ListActns Mask
Masks Math Menus Printers
Registry ScktComp Spin StdActns
StdCtrls StrUtils SyncObjs System
SysUtils TabNotBk Tabs ToolWin
Types TypInfo ValEdit Variants
Windows WinSpool WinSvc WinUtils