Delphi2CS options

Delphi2CS provides many options for your need. Please change these options by operating the Options GUI.

A. If you mark it, Delphi2CS will convert the char constant to string, e.g: 'A' to string "A".
B. If you don't need to initialize the field value, please don't mark it.
C. If you want to convert 'Destroy()' to destructor, please mark it.
D. If you want to add a prefix for all of the fields, you may add the prefix here.

Hierarchy Stub
E. If you want to generate the hierarchy stub, please mark this option.
F. If you want to generate the hierarchy stub and don't generate the method body, please mark this option.
G. If you want to generate the hierarchy stub and comment the method body, please mark this option.

C# Project
H. Generate C# project for VS2008.
I. Generate C# project for VS2010.
J. Generate C# project for VS2015.

Code Options
K. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will arrange the class members to the Private/Protected and Public Group
L. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will convert 'One Result assignment statement' to 'return' in C#.
M. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will generate the fullname of the type for the variables.

Indexer Properties
N. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will only convert the DEFAULT indexer properties to this[index].
O. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will convert ALL indexer properties to this[index].
P. If you mark this option, Delphi2CS will remove the NODEFAULT indexer properties, and replace the NODEFAULT properties with their READ/WRITE methods.

Q. Show the document of the options
R. Save and apply the options
S. Cancel the options setting